Showing posts with label person. Show all posts
Showing posts with label person. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

High School Throwback 1

I've been really wanting to sketch lately but have not been able to find the time. So instead of a new art post, here is a throwback to a couple sketches from my first real sketchbook in high school. Enjoy.

There is an unfortunate streaking incident happening in the second one. It's the scanner's fault, but I'm not sure if it's just very dirty or if there's something wrong with it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Carnival Creature

And the drawing spree continues! I might paint tonight if my workout doesn't drain me too much :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Character Design: Sassy

I dropped by Studio Sunday yesterday, I haven't seen the crew in a while so it was great to see everyone and meet some newbies. We got to talking about stuff in the plans for the future and I got to see some of what people have been working on. While I was there I drew what's above. And I've been working on a painting that I started forever ago (at least it seems like that long) and that's coming along nicely, hopefully you'll see in up here soon. :D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fast Portrait

If you were in an Asian restaurant in Pewaukee for lunch today and this looks like you-then it probably is!P.S. As you might have realized from what's written above, I was creepily sketching you without your knowledge...

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Self Portrait

Go figure that I would post on a national holiday... Anyways I was at my aunt's house today for the celebration and I decided to practice my photoshop drawing when I got back. Plus I had the perfect subject since, while having loads of fun while I was there, I also got bitten by about 20 mosquitoes. So here is what I've dubbed "Stupid Mosquitoes."