Showing posts with label heidi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heidi. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2009

Window Study

Yay I've been added to Studio Sunday's crew!

I drew this awhile ago with those involved there (and some other people). I was planning on doing a window study series, but so far I only have two. . . and right now only one that I have transfered into the digital world.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Homework Post Logo Concepts

Look at this! Three posts and February isn't even done yet! Woot. Anyhows, I made this as a freebee for my brother and a couple of his friends at MSOE, for a project they've been working on. It goes like this: they created a website where people in classes there can post homework assignments and talk about problems they're having with them and other such stuff. They wanted a logo so below are the first batch of ideas, and some that happened along the way. The bubbles and the rainbows were mostly a joke. And after going back and forth with changes and improvements-here is the final one:I would like to include the link, but you can't see it on the site unless you register-and who wants to do that?
I think that I may make a few holiday versions too, although I can give no prediction of when that might appear up here...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Twas the day of Christmas and all through the house Ryan was singing, dancing, and performing strange experiments on cookies. I tend to draw at family gatherings-this is my cousin Ryan, who keeps me entertained, and laughs at all my dumb jokes.

Friday, February 6, 2009

This sketch is something that I've just started brainstorming. I'd like to make "Rex the Monster & Jeremiah Zombie" into a children's book/series of illustrations. I have been thinking about it a lot but have yet to really write anything down as a solid plot idea. Should be fun! The other sketch is just something I drew when I got bored waiting for my ride after work.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cliff Chick

Here's something.

So the thing is, I'm not sure if I've put this one up here before because it's kinda old, but I feel like I should have more posts. If it's in one of my earlier posts-here's a refresher course, and if it isn't then-Ta Da!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Teller

Weeeell, I've been trying to keep up with my blog (obviously I missed a month) but here is my make-up-for-it art piece. I started this 3 maybe 4 months ago as a self portrait of my face. That was before I got my job and I think that I have finally adjusted to working 8-5 + hours everyday. Anyways, it was sort of boring so I changed some things, after the changes I liked it so much that I decided to keep going with it. I named it "The Teller" and all of the animals have a connection to fortune telling, but since I did the research so long ago-I really don't remember what they were... Sorry! Hope you like.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I've been working a lot at IMCO Technologies doing their marketing campaign for RSNA, I want to put that stuff up here but I think I should wait until it's been released to the public, which will be very soon after Thanksgiving. It's very different from what I normally do, mostly because someone else is the one making the rules...

They offered me a full time job!! Sweet! I will have health insurance again, and I might be able to *think about getting a car. If anyone has any ideas for a type of car-I'm all ears, all I know is I want it to be small and probably 2 door. I need to spoof up my wardrobe a bit first though, I never realized I only ever wear jeans until it was inappropriate to ever wear jeans.

And I almost forgot the most important news of all - dun dun - OBAMA!! That's right. #2 in the line of presidents that I've been able to vote for, #1 in the line of presidents I've voted for that have actually won. I think it's really important that we keep the excitement that Obama's campaign has created. Americans need a reason to be proud of America. We have been kinda lacking in reasons for patriotism lately, and a person can only 'hope' that Obama can keep it up. I don't know about everybody else but I'm excited to see what we can do...

I guess I'll leave it there for today. Have a good weekend everybody, try to stay warm!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Huraaaay!! My website is finally up in it's entirety! The gallery pages have been missing for awhile but they are up now, yay!! If you wanna check it out the link is at the top of the page :D

Also I got a lot done on one of the illustrations I've been working on lately, so hopefully that one will be up here soon. Keep checking.

Monday, September 15, 2008

No fun pictures today, just thought I'd throw up an update, since I'm bored and I don't very often. I've been doing a lot of my own little projects lately, but I crave deadlines!! Without them I am too easily distracted... Like just now when you missed me tapping along enthusiastically to whatever I'm listening to on Pandora (Something Corporate), while chewing my nail. I miss school. I liked having homework parties with all of my illustration buddies til the wee hours of the morning... The destination then was easy: Graduate. What's the destination now? Get Paid. It's all about the money now. I hate thinking about money. Subject change it is!

Being a big Charlaine Harris-Sookie Stackhouse fan I've been watching True Blood religiously so far. Two episodes in and here are my big issues-"Sookie" should not have the same pronounciation as "cookie" and are those not THE lamest fang-shooting-out sounds anyone has ever heard? I also think they chose the wrong teeth to put them on-I think they would look better on the next teeth over (sorry if you have no idea what I'm talking about). Thank god it's gory, if they'd messed that up too, I might have had a problem watching.

Now that I've ranted a bit, I really need a scanner!
Later everybody!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Self Portrait

Go figure that I would post on a national holiday... Anyways I was at my aunt's house today for the celebration and I decided to practice my photoshop drawing when I got back. Plus I had the perfect subject since, while having loads of fun while I was there, I also got bitten by about 20 mosquitoes. So here is what I've dubbed "Stupid Mosquitoes."