Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Homework Post Logo Concepts

Look at this! Three posts and February isn't even done yet! Woot. Anyhows, I made this as a freebee for my brother and a couple of his friends at MSOE, for a project they've been working on. It goes like this: they created a website where people in classes there can post homework assignments and talk about problems they're having with them and other such stuff. They wanted a logo so below are the first batch of ideas, and some that happened along the way. The bubbles and the rainbows were mostly a joke. And after going back and forth with changes and improvements-here is the final one:I would like to include the link, but you can't see it on the site unless you register-and who wants to do that?
I think that I may make a few holiday versions too, although I can give no prediction of when that might appear up here...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Twas the day of Christmas and all through the house Ryan was singing, dancing, and performing strange experiments on cookies. I tend to draw at family gatherings-this is my cousin Ryan, who keeps me entertained, and laughs at all my dumb jokes.

Friday, February 6, 2009

This sketch is something that I've just started brainstorming. I'd like to make "Rex the Monster & Jeremiah Zombie" into a children's book/series of illustrations. I have been thinking about it a lot but have yet to really write anything down as a solid plot idea. Should be fun! The other sketch is just something I drew when I got bored waiting for my ride after work.