Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mustached Monster Plush

On a roll over here with these plushies, now I just need to reteach myself how to use a sewing machine so I can roll them out faster! Let me know what you think!

For sale on Etsy: hand-stitched-mustache-monster-plush

For more check out my Etsy Shop: Adorkable Doodles

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct 2012 Self Portrait

Spent the afternoon drawing this self portrait. Hope you like it!

Don't forget to check out my Etsy store: Adorkable Doodles

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Creepy Heads 1 & 2

Worked on some new drawings this last weekend. Aaaaaand here they are!

Check out my Etsy Store! Adorkable Doodles

Monday, April 9, 2012

Robotic Fashion Accessories

On a roll over here. This time I've got an intentional addition to the unintentional series. I'm having some trouble coming up with a name for this series, so if you have any brilliant suggestions please let me know. :D

See other drawings with a similar theme:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Man's Gadgets Drawing

Hey guys, I just finished a new sketch tonight. I guess I've sort of unintentionally been creating a series. This is the... 6th recent drawing I've done with a similar theme. Links to the others are at the bottom of the post.

See other drawings with a similar theme:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Sci-fi Eye Drawing

Started work on this on Monday.  I started a little while after I got home from work and didn't even realize how much effort I was putting into it until I looked up and it was 10:45pm already. Finished it up tonight and it's brought to my attention that it's been entirely too long since I've really sat down and drawn. My hand was cramping, my butt hurt, you know how it is when deep concentration sneaks up on you. <3

I'd be willing to make it into a wallpaper if anyone is interested. Just let me know the size and I'll see if I can work it out for you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, April 19, 2010

Character Design: Sassy

I dropped by Studio Sunday yesterday, I haven't seen the crew in a while so it was great to see everyone and meet some newbies. We got to talking about stuff in the plans for the future and I got to see some of what people have been working on. While I was there I drew what's above. And I've been working on a painting that I started forever ago (at least it seems like that long) and that's coming along nicely, hopefully you'll see in up here soon. :D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Eyes Have It

Sketch dump. This is stuff I've been working on recently during my lunch hour. How about we start on a silly note?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Bit Like Leo?

Yay, forcing myself to draw seems to be helping me get back in the swing of things. I'm off on Monday, maybe I'll paint...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Eyes With Designs

I took my sketchbook to a friend's house last night and on my lunch hour today hoping that I could draw something, anything... While I didn't end up drawing anything of amazing consequence, I did doodle some eyes (they are kind of a fall back when I'm lacking creativity) and my reddit thumb drive, and a wine glass that was depicted on a menu. Yay arting! Hopefully sometime soon I'll have the time/mental fuel to make something more substantial, with color and paint...

If you're visiting me from reddit-thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tribal Female Eyes

I'm excited to start working on the Fairy Tale Zombies more in depth but I only have a basic knowledge (Disney version) of a lot of the fairy tales I'm interested in. I bought a couple Alice in Wonderland books, and I'm reviewing Grimm's tales, and having lots of fun doing research. Here's a sketch in the meantime-nothing special-just something I drew when I got bored.

 It's snowing outside, we're supposed to get a bunch more in the next couple days, and I'm listening to Christmas music for the first time this year :D Happy Holidays!!