Showing posts with label adorkable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adorkable. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct 2012 Self Portrait

Spent the afternoon drawing this self portrait. Hope you like it!

Don't forget to check out my Etsy store: Adorkable Doodles

Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Robotic People, Woman in Profile

Hey there loyal readers!

I've got a new drawing for you today. It's a continuation of the Robotic People Series - some others of the series are linked on the bottom of this post.

Robotic People Series:
Man's Gadgets
Dilated Sketch
Sci-Fi Eye Drawing
Future of Retro
Encased In the Future
Robotic Fashion Accessories

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Derpy Owl and Mouthy Monster

Here are a couple more simple vector pieces. They're silly, I know, and I like it that way.  :)

Find them as prints soon on Etsy in Adorkable Doodles.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Key

Hey everybody!  Got a brand new watercolor painting for you. Er, well, what started with a watercolor painting and had much photoshop work. This one has been in the works for a loooong time, but it finally looks good enough for other people to see. :)

Watch for this painting, it will be available as a print soon in my Etsy store. Definitely still excited about that, I got up to 126 items today. Mostly prints but there are a lot of drawings and some paintings for sale too. Check it out: AdorkableDoodles on Etsy.

Monday, May 7, 2012


And we're live! There are a few items listed in my store! Nowhere near as many as there will be - because I'm still cleaning up images and taking pictures and printing things and wetting myself out of excitement... oh oops. Just kidding! Or am I?

Here's some linkage, please check it out! Adorkable Doodles on Etsy.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Etsy Store Update

It might change in the future, but for now I've settled on the banner you see above as my storefront image. 

There has been much progress! Unfortunately it's all been behind the scenes... So far I've only been listing items that will be for sale as 'drafts' which on Etsy basically means that I can see it but no one else can. I want to get some prints done to make sure they look magically delicious before offering them for sale, which means that I need to find the original files (amongst the many burned CDs I have lying around), format them for printing and actually get them printed. There was a plan to at least print the ones I have already formatted (around 30) but that's been delayed due to a color problem I'm having with Photoshop. It's been saving jpgs with really high contrast and saturation. :( From what I've googled it sounds somewhat easy to fix on PC but on Mac you never know if it will work the same. 

Once I do have some of them printed, I will take pretty pictures of the prints framed and matted and on the wall, to make them oh so much more appealing. I also want to have shipping supplies on hand for when the items go live just in case people actually want to buy stuff. :P

More updates soon, thanks for reading!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Creating an Etsy Store

Hey there readers!

I'm working on getting an Etsy store set up for the sale of original drawings, paintings and sketches as well as prints, all by yours truly. There are still some details to work out, I can already tell that figuring out shipping pricing is going to be FUN.  :/

I'm using the name Adorkable Doodles for the shop, which, if you've been following for awhile you might remember was the title of a book design I was working on back in 2009. Oh how the time flies. Here's what that looked like if you haven't seen it before:

I think I'll probably clean the design up a bit, maybe make some smallish changes, and probably add some color before that will become the storefront design.

Once I've got some things listed in the store I'll post another update, keep watching!