Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Prints!

More new Prints up for sale in Adorkable Doodles!

Time Lords Are Forever print.
Available HERE.

Fenced Rose print.
Available HERE.

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor - Hunger Games quote print.
Available HERE.

When Life Gives You Lemons print.
Available HERE.

You are the Best Best Friend print.
Available HERE.

The watermarks will not be on the prints.

Check out my Etsy store for more: Adorkable Doodles

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Party with Doctor Who and James Bond!

Just finished this and was too excited to wait to post it after the other Harry Potter posters. Here is a parody poster/print combining Doctor Who and James Bond! Rock on boys.

I'll be getting this up in the shop as soon as I have a chance to test print it.
But in the meantime, check out my Etsy Shop! Adorkable Doodles

Monday, July 23, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cyberman, Weeping Angel and Adipose

I've been re-watching Doctor Who lately and here is the geeky result. Enjoy!

So far I've only focused on the aliens but I've got a dot drawing of the Tardis in the works, and I want to do at least an Ood and a Silence too. The originals are available in my Etsy Store: Adorkable Doodles. Hopefully there will be prints of these there soon also.