Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Framed Plush Flower and Patchwork Scene

Now that Christmas is done I can finally post this! For my mom this year I went to St. Vincent's and got myself a big, cheap, wooden frame, cut myself a bunch of different blue fabrics and made three plush flowers and combined all of those to make this:

I'm really happy with the way it turned out, and my mom likes it too.

Check out my Etsy Shop - Adorkable Doodles

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mustached Monster Plush

On a roll over here with these plushies, now I just need to reteach myself how to use a sewing machine so I can roll them out faster! Let me know what you think!

For sale on Etsy: hand-stitched-mustache-monster-plush

For more check out my Etsy Shop: Adorkable Doodles

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Potato Dude Plushie

This is the second (ever) plushie that I made. For sale on Etsy here: hand-stitched-potato-dude-plush-pillow

He's silly, I know, but I'm still proud of myself. :)

Check out the rest of my Etsy Store here: Adorkable Doodles.

Friday, July 19, 2013

My First Ever Plushie!

You read it, I'm now creating plushies to sell in my Etsy Shop, Adorkable Doodles!

This cute little bird is the first plush I've made. Buy it here: hand-stitched-blue-pattern-bird-plush

I already have three other plushes done and waiting for me to list them on Etsy, so check back for more!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Prints Available on Etsy

I've been working on some saying/quote posters. Here are the ones that are up for sale in Adorkable Doodles so far:

Follow Your Heart (with a Brain twist) print.
Available HERE.

YOLO (You Only Live Once) print.
Available HERE.

If you're a bird, I'm a bird - The Notebook quote print.
Available HERE.

The watermark will not be on the print.

Check out my Etsy store for more: Adorkable Doodles

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dumbledore Minimalist Print/Poster

Hey everybody!

I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series and then I watched all the movies (what can I say-got a little obsessed :P) and got inspired to create this. I'm a little insecure about it because it's not a style I'm used to working in, so I'd appreciate feedback!

I've got similar posters of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley in the works, and I'm not sure if I'll continue with other characters after those at this point or not...

As always, check out my Etsy Store! Adorkable Doodles

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Silver Skyscraper Half Moon Manicure

Another break from the lovely fairy tale ladies, here's a wintery manicure!

This ^ is Revlon Silver Dollar.

 And this ^ is China Glaze Skyscraper.

Sorry for the crappy pictures! :)

Check out my non-nail polish related Etsy Store! Adorkable Doodles

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Cookies!

Since I have been drawing a lot lately, I figured I should switch it up a little today. I made sugar cookies and frosted them Christmas style!

I know baseballs aren't Christmas-y but that one is my favorite.  :)

I used this recipe for the sugar cookies. I changed it a bit though, only used 6 cups flour (I never even got to the 7th cup of flour because my beater's motor sounded like it was going to die), and I never chilled it. This recipe is huge, I think I had about 6 dozen cookies, if I use it again, I will definitely cut it in half.

And I used this recipe for the frosting.

Obviously, I also used a LOT of colored sugar and a couple kinds of sprinkles.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Superhero Cinderella Character Concept Art

Here's the color version of Cinderella re-imagined as a superhero. She has the ability to become invisible. Which is a problem for all of the princes out searching for her.


 Check out my Etsy Shop! Adorkable Doodles

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wart Monsters Illustrations

Made a couple new complementary arts today. They are silly and cute and will soon be on Etsy in Adorkable Doodles as prints. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Key

Hey everybody!  Got a brand new watercolor painting for you. Er, well, what started with a watercolor painting and had much photoshop work. This one has been in the works for a loooong time, but it finally looks good enough for other people to see. :)

Watch for this painting, it will be available as a print soon in my Etsy store. Definitely still excited about that, I got up to 126 items today. Mostly prints but there are a lot of drawings and some paintings for sale too. Check it out: AdorkableDoodles on Etsy.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Etsy Store Update

It might change in the future, but for now I've settled on the banner you see above as my storefront image. 

There has been much progress! Unfortunately it's all been behind the scenes... So far I've only been listing items that will be for sale as 'drafts' which on Etsy basically means that I can see it but no one else can. I want to get some prints done to make sure they look magically delicious before offering them for sale, which means that I need to find the original files (amongst the many burned CDs I have lying around), format them for printing and actually get them printed. There was a plan to at least print the ones I have already formatted (around 30) but that's been delayed due to a color problem I'm having with Photoshop. It's been saving jpgs with really high contrast and saturation. :( From what I've googled it sounds somewhat easy to fix on PC but on Mac you never know if it will work the same. 

Once I do have some of them printed, I will take pretty pictures of the prints framed and matted and on the wall, to make them oh so much more appealing. I also want to have shipping supplies on hand for when the items go live just in case people actually want to buy stuff. :P

More updates soon, thanks for reading!