Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Homework Post Logo Concepts

Look at this! Three posts and February isn't even done yet! Woot. Anyhows, I made this as a freebee for my brother and a couple of his friends at MSOE, for a project they've been working on. It goes like this: they created a website where people in classes there can post homework assignments and talk about problems they're having with them and other such stuff. They wanted a logo so below are the first batch of ideas, and some that happened along the way. The bubbles and the rainbows were mostly a joke. And after going back and forth with changes and improvements-here is the final one:I would like to include the link, but you can't see it on the site unless you register-and who wants to do that?
I think that I may make a few holiday versions too, although I can give no prediction of when that might appear up here...

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